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Seven Months

So Teddy said his first words last weekend. It was the day after his baptism and I'd just gotten him up after a nap. He looked around at everyone there in our living room—my brother, my mom and dad, my nieces—and then he shouted out, "GAY GUYS! GAY, GAY GUYS! GUYS GAY! GAY GUYS!" His first words and the kid outs my entire family.

I suppose that doesn't count. Also not counting is the fact that he's said DAD DAD DAD about one hundred times, because just like GAY GUYS it's an accidental sounds and he's attached no meaning to it. When we stops saying DAD to the cats, the front door, a spoonful of oatmeal, or whatever gaggle of gay guys happens to be in my living room... and starts actually looking in my direction as he says it, maybe we'll count it then.

He also got a few teeth since last month. We were in Georgetown a little while back for a McLean reunion, and Teddy slept terribly for the whole week we were there. Then the day we got back, tooth one had popped out. Bad sleep mystery solved. (It turned out that it he wasn't just freaked out by Newfies, like I'd suspected). Tooth two came out a few days later. He's actually been sleeping really well lately. We did a bit of sleep training after getting back from G-town. We went with the Ferber method (aka "cry it out" -- which isn't as terrible as it sounds). I won't lie to you: the first night of sleep training was totally awful. But as soon as the next day, the difference was amazing. Since then, he's been sleeping like a baby (har har). Well, unless he takes a big, terrible, 3 a.m. dump, in which case it takes him a long time to go down afterward. He's like his dad that way.

He’s eating like a champ too. Boy loves his vegetables. He loves grilled zucchini and grilled peppers, and he’s a big fan of squash and corn (pureed). The corn smells delicious. On more than one occasion, I’ve half considered causing some massive distraction and stealing it from him when Sarah’s not looking. And his newest trick is hiding food in his palms. The meal is done, there’s nothing left on his tray, you go to clean him up and when you turn over his hands you find a perfectly palm-shaped piece of biscuit, or six or seven Cheerios—like he’s planning some magic trick. And now, watch these doves fly out of my onesie!

His favourite songs at present are "Arriva il Direttore" (introduced to him by his Grandma-Nonna), “The Cheapest Key” (introduced by his Mom), and “The Eye of the Tiger” (courtesy of my neice, Amy). We’ve just started getting him into Snacktime by The Barenaked Ladies, and if I had to guess I’d say he prefers the smart wordplay of Ed Robertson over the ennui induced by Steven Page.

I’ll end this one off with the most grown-up looking picture we have of him to date (though it was taken about one month ago). P.S. The shirt is not to be believed. He was up to maybe 45% at that point. Thanks, Aunt Beth.


Aunt Beth said…
I love love love Snacktime. The album (I do also love snacktime as in the time when I snack, but that is neither here nor there). My favourite song is The Ninjas, followed closely by Pollywog In A Bog. I have been known to drive down the highway in my Smart car, with these songs *blaring.* I may also have been seen jogging with my iPod and yelling "JUMP! JUMP!" to Pollywog.

Also, glad Teddy likes the shirt!
Sarah in Ottawa said…
It was pride weekend in Ottawa, so "Gay Guys" was totally appropriate!

Snacktime ROCKS. My favourite is "I Can Sing", which Dave predicts will be a tune Teddy and I will dance to daily. "The Ninjas" is pretty wicked, and I like the "Crazy ABCs", too. Oh, Ed Robertson, you rock!

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