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Showing posts from October, 2024
Ask anyone who has known Sarah to describe her in just a few words, and I guarantee that some variation of the word smart  will be the first thing you hear. (Often smart AF , maybe wicked smart  when you're within the Boston Metropolitan Area.) My girl has brains to spare. She knows a lot about a lot. If you're threatened by her intelligence, it speaks more about you than it does about her. In conversation, she's engaging; she listens - she doesn't steamroll over you (even though she probably already knows everything you're about to say long before you finish saying it). If you've got your facts wrong, she'll correct you in a kind way - unless you're a blowhard, and even then she won't dunk on you just for the sake of it. She's a very active listener and loves to add layers and nuance to what you're saying. She likes teaching people things they didn't know, but her brain really lights up when she's talking with someone and finds out