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The next in a series of posts about Sarah on her birthday

-- Last year’s entry --

I didn’t mention this last time, but Sarah is so very beautiful. I probably left that out before because it’s just so obvious. A few years ago, a very close friend of mine said to me, “Man, you’re really lucky. Sarah’s got it all.” I didn’t say as much at the time, but I remember taking that the wrong way—as if this friend was telling me in a fairly gross way how hot my girlfriend was. But reflecting on it even the next day, I understood what he was saying: she’s got everything. She’s smart, hot, fun, funny, sweet, loving—and while you can get most of those things in a girl, it’s so rare to have all of them.

Another trait that didn’t make the list last year: she’s excellent with money. That one’s not nearly as sexy-sounding as the first, but trust me: it’s a fantastic skill to have in a partner if it’s something you suck at yourself. This girl can sock away money like mad – but not in a scroogy, you-can’t-have-any-toys, no-fun kind of way. There’s nothing I’ve really wanted that I haven’t been able to have. Despite any of the times I’ve ever complained about not being able to constantly blow all of money on bullcrap, Sarah’s doubly restrictive with her own spending. This is a girl who will buy diapers for a good price on Monday, then kick herself because she found them on sale for forty cents less on Tuesday. This is a girl who’ll apologize for spending fifteen bucks at a consignment store. Which is not to say she’s a cheapskate. We have priorities in our life, one of which is travel, and while she’ll still find great deals, she has no qualms about sinking decent sums of money into a trip. She’ll always find the best balance between value and quality when it comes to all purchases. We have nice things, but our toothbrush holder isn’t from Pottery Barn, if you know what I’m saying.

Lastly, most importantly, and totally not new information to anyone who reads this blog: Sarah is an amazing mom. She has made all the right choices for this kid. She has endured an incredible amount for this kid. And her love for him is infinite. (I’m going to start speaking in generalities here, but maybe this next bit isn’t as universal as I think it is or as I want it to be.) When you’re young and you’re in love, you don’t want to share that love with anyone. You want to blot out all your partner’s old relationships; you want to drive away anyone who could be of the remotest romantic to them. Later, you grow up and that sort of ridiculous jealousy fades out. Then, if you’re lucky enough to have kids, you realize that sharing that love with someone else is so much greater than keeping it between the two of you. It makes your love for your partner that much more intense, after you thought it couldn't possibly get any stronger.

Sarah, again as always, I love you. I'll keep trying to be all that you deserve. I'm not there yet. But soon, I hope.


Jorge said…
She is definitely all of those things. Being your friend is definitely awesome. But being a friend of BOTH of you is even better.

You are both amazing people and I'm so very happy to know both of you.

Happy Birthday Sarah!
Unknown said…
Dear Dave,

I hope this post is sincere, and not an attempt to butter up your wife to make up for one of your (numerous) tragic failures. She deserves better.

- Chris
maggie said…
I think I need to get MY husband to start a blog so he can wax rhapsodic about ME online. (SARAH: KEEP THIS ONE AROUND!)

And you're right, Sarah is BEAUTIFUL. It radiates.

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