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Sin City - the one without Mickey Rourke

Just a quick note to say we're off to Vegas as of 5:30 today. We'll be back on Wednesday, so consider this notice that there will be nothing to see here until then. When I get back, I'll regale you all with tales of breaking the bank, enduring seven-thousand degree desert heat, and discovering that I was so money and didn't even know it.


Anonymous said…
In the trus spirit of blogging, this trite message of your departure will generate an enormous amount of comments.

Starting with this one.

They call me a pioneer.
kris said…
I know Jorge. Stellar.

You know what I was thinking?

Don't call it a comeback! I've been here for years.
Anonymous said…
came here through Jorge's space.. have a great time in vegas :)

lol.. love your profile description too btw
Anonymous said…
Considering you are vacationing during Labor Day weekend (note the absense of the 'u'), I am needing to ask if you, too, have a Labor Day weekend.

By the way, thanks for the money that your country sent our country to help clean up the aftermath of Katrina. Apparently, when you are spending 80 billion to fund a war, it takes awhile to sign an ok on a package to release 10.5 billion to help give people in your own developing country food and water.

Contrary to Kanye West's comments on 9/1, I don't think Bush hates black people; I think he hates poor people.

Just something uplifting.

Dave, you and Sarah will make Vegas a better place. Just by being there. The true 'Sin City' in the US is D.C.
Beth said…
Hey Katie No Blog,

Yes, we do, in fact, have a Labour Day (note the presence of the "u"!) up here in Canada.
Biscuit said…
Oh, how appropriate that I stumble upon your blog today, the day I've been up since 3am with a barfing 4 year old, and read your entry about barf! Why do kids only wake up barfing in the middle of the night when you've been up until 2am shagging your husband? Why can't they do it when you've gone to bed at 9?

Hope your Vegas trip is wonderful. I'm going in December.
Anonymous said…
I don't know why kids only barf after 2:00 AM. I should like to never have the privilege of needing to find out.

My best speculation would be that he stumbled upon the liquor cabinet at 12:00 am.
Anonymous said…
Dearest One Biscuit Hound...

You are an elitist with your Blogger-only comments field.

Please change, or kindly roast in hell.

Hugs and Pancakes,

PS: I really like your blog.
Anonymous said…
Dear Katie,

You are an elitist bastard as well..

Love and French Toast,
Omeaux said…
Trust me, Katie has even more excuses to act elitist than the shagging insomniac with barfing kids hellbent on quoting tired NIN lyrics.

Personally, I'd much rather have a pregnant belly than an ugly dog.
kris said…
OH MY GOD WILL YOU COME BACK ALREADY? Do they give you like weeks off at a time in the Canada?
Anonymous said…

As Dave's Blog Rep, I am here to calm you down.
He will return. Until that time, all questions should be directed to me.

To answer your query, yes..
We folks up in Canada get weeks off at a time.
Plus, we get the following benefits:
- Free Turkey at Thanksgiving
- Condoms in the mailbox EVERY DAY
- Steak Tartar coupons with no expiry

Feel free to move up here.
Intelligent, cute gals are always welcome.

Representative for Dave
Anonymous said…

Something tells me your boytoy might have unrealistic expectations.

Omeaux said…
Everything I've thrown at Katie, she has caught
and promptly dropped at least once.
Jay said…
Try to steal a coaster or something - I hear if one single thing does not stay in Vegas, it will implode upon itself.
Beth said…
Katie, Jason & Kris (and any other Americans who may read this)... I have no idea how you live without ketchup chips. It's unholy.

P.S. We also have universal health care! Yay!
Anonymous said…

Unfortunately, when your government spends a hundred thousand times more on military operations than health care, you'll never rise above 35th.

That $500 is just going towards all of the military gear that you have waiting for you when you find out that all American Kids born after 1970 were drafted into the reserves when they were born.
Anonymous said…
This year we are aiming to be -2nd place.

Pretty spiffy, non?
Biscuit said…
Dear Jorge,

One tends to get tired of the spam comments. They are never useful or interesting like the spam emails I get from folks who want to help me enlarge my penis, make my penis harder, get me cheap drugs, or invite me to their new webcam.

Eternally roasting,
Anonymous said…
I can't believe you still get spam comments with Word Verification ON?

Beth said…
Canadians have a longer life expectancy than Americans despite the presence of poutine here? Unbelieveable!
Anonymous said…
Poutine is good for you!

It makes your blood slide through your arteries faster because of the grease.
Dave said…
Holy crap!

I was going to post some stuff about the Vegas trip tonight, but instead I'm just gonna post the words 'Good job. Carry on.'
Anonymous said…
Shut up!
We're busy here!
Anonymous said…
Katie's blog is certified 100% Katie.

It's great.

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