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Discuss amongst yourselves - August 8th

James Lipton asks: What is your favourite curse word?


Anonymous said…
I don't have one favourite.

There is the good ol' standby:


Used in moments of pain, and disappointment.

Also used for disappointment:

Cruddler (Stolen from The Simpsons

Shite (Stolen from the UK)


You would probably know better than I what I say. I can't actually hit my hand with a hammer to find out what I scream at my new office...
Anonymous said…
I personally enjoy combining individual words to create new offensive terms.

Fuckass...this is totally Donnie Darko style, but I am convinced I thought of it first.

Cuntbastard...figure that one out.

Shitfuck...this one especially makes me feel that I have Tourette's syndrome. Sorry for any misspellings.

Have a fantabulous day. I think this is all a bit ricockulous.
Anonymous said…
How could I forget...


And the ever-popular and obscure...


Napoleon Dynamite also added to my list of cursing, but that list is nowhere near as foul as Katie's....

And who could ever forget the ever-popular...

WTF, Sensei?
Anonymous said…
I've been using shitmouth a lot on the roads this year. Another favourite is bonejob.
Omeaux said…

As in

"You fuck, you Faggot-Fuck."
Omeaux said…
BTW, after Katie posted, did anyone go to ?

I sure did.



There's nothing there, you know...
Jay said…
After watching some limp Hugh Grant movie, Jason supplanted all of his favourite swear words with the phrase "Oopsy daisy", which sucked because it totally diffused the situation every time, and I love to hold on to my anger.

My current favourites include "Muffin" (said with a french accent, it started as a term of condescension, but I have now generalized it as a sub for fuck), "ahhhh horseshit" (usually when things don't go my way), "wanker" (used towards people), "merde" (french for shit, usually under my breath)..hmm, this list is running embarrassingly long. I think I'll stop there.
Beth said…
Definitely the French swear words like "tabernac"... it sacralicious.

Another popular one around my house is "dickfag" (I believe Dave (Simpson, not McLean)'s brother came up with that one originally) and, more along the lines of Katie-style swearing, I like "cuntface" and "cunt breath."
Rebecca said…
I have this great string of swears I use at curling, but you only want one. So that one is jeezly, used as an adverb to other swears (like, "jeezly hell" or, my favourite, "jeezly f**k"
Anonymous said…
I, too, love the word 'asshat'. I'm also a fan of 'dicksmack' but Dave LOATHES that phrase, so I have to use it sparingly. Or behind his back :)
Isha said…
I like the term "ass-clown" and have been known to use it on occasion.

My favourite swear phrase is stolen from Love Actually:


(But I've never managed to get it all out without laughing.)
Anonymous said…
How could I forget McFuck?

Or Cock Juggling Thundercunt?

(I stole that last one from Ryan Reynolds.)
Anonymous said…
I agree with Katie that compound swears are much more effective. I usually stick to



motherfucker (or emmer effer in polite company)
Anonymous said…
and I almost forgot -
Urban Dictionary is also a great resource for those in need of creative and/or obscure obscenities.

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