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We get off the ship soon after receiving the all clear. We’re in Valencia, and our destination is the Oceanographic, which is an aquarium and aquatic preservation area, and we have to get there well before it opens to we can be first in line for tickets (and skip hordes of people in the process). Sarah is wise in her planning. She hands me twenty euros and arms me with the name of our destination in the instance that all five of us can’t fit in the same cab. And she’s right, we have to take two cabs. If not for her, when we got separated I’d just waving a toonie at passersby, crying, “Need help! Find wife!”

Out of the cab, Sarah holds our place at the gates while I walk around with the kids. When we come back twenty minutes later, there’s about 200 other people waiting. The gates open, we’re the second family to get tickets, and we’re off to the races. We start at the outdoor ponds where we see sea otters and huge sea turtles. There’s actually a pretty big turtle area, including a rehab facility for injured ones. We see one poor guy with a cracked shell who’d collided with a boat (but there are multiple displays showing rehabbed turtles being returned to the wild).

Next, we go underground and get to the absolute best part of the day. There’s a huge conical room surrounded by an aquarium and there’s a glass tunnel leading between this room and the next where you can stand and watch sharks, manta rays, sawfish, and other things swim inches above your head. It’s amazing. The sharks are very cool, but the rays are the best. Some plaster themselves to the glass, open and closing their weirdly human-like mouths. And fish just run into each other constantly. A shark and a ray will just slap into each other, shrug it off, and keep on swimming. We stayed until hoards of students descended, and then we moved on. Next was a room with belugas – huge, muscular, and noisy. You could hear them clicking away to one another. There were also big, mustachioed sea lions, swimming laps and being obesely cute. We spent a little bit of time at a penguin exhibit, and a really tiny amount of time with crocodiles, and then we went to see the dolphin show. The show was mostly in Spanish, and began with like three different videos about water conservation and recycling, and I commend everyone’s patience enduring them. Finally, dolphins! They jumped, and flipped, and waved their flippers, and played catch, and did all the things that make dolphins awesome. Big hit with the kids, and now Veronica wants to be a dolphin trainer.

We get separate cabs on the way back and this time we haven’t thought ahead. My exchange with the driver goes like this:
    Dave: Can we go to the cruise port?
    Driver: The airport?
    Dave: No, sorry. The port. With the boats.
    Driver: *looks confused*
    Dave: *begins using his hands to create the likeness of a cruise ship, thinks better of it* Um, we’re going to the boats. The ships. The big ships. At the dock.
    Driver: Ah, the big ships! Yes! Sorry, my English is… video games.

I love that so much. If I live to be one hundred years old, I will never, ever forget, “My English is… video games.”

On port days, you can arrange to sign the kids in earlier to kids’ club, and we do this. The initial plan is to sign them in and run back out and explore the city. But after sitting in the stateroom for a few minutes, we realize that going back out will just create this watch-the-clock time pressure, and alternately we could sack out for an uninterrupted three hours straight. We go with plan B, and it’s fantastic. Later, we spring the kids and I take Veronica climbing. I don’t know how many times we do the wall but I know that by the end the strength in my forearms and fingers is completely gone.

We finish the night at Izumi again. Sarah’s dad gets hot rock beef tenderloin, which he seems to quite like. The rest of us get about thirty pounds of sushi. It’s as delicious as last time, but where I was proud of not eating myself to the point of illness on our first visit, I’m fit to burst this time. I couldn’t even eat a mint. Not even a wafer-thin one.


Beth said…
Now I'm curious as to what location you should have asked for if "port" wasn't clear?

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