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It’s day two of choppier water – nothing serious, just a constant rocking motion. We all take a bonamine in the night and then another in the morning, and I end up in a brain fog the entire day. They’re supposed to be non-drowsy, but it’s the same thing that happens to me when I take non-drowsy allergy medication. Maybe it’s psychosomatic, but man, I feel like I just woke up from a knockout punch, and the feeling lasts for the entire day. Maybe the rest of my party had a gay old time, but it was a total wash for me. It’s breakfast, nap, lunch, nap, dinner and after-dinner drinks (where I’m thinking about sleep non-stop), then finally sleep, where I am a Viking.

The only other noteworthy thing is that I take Veronica climbing and she goes up the wall about twelve times. There’s a very nice couple there who run climbing camps in South Carolina, and they say a number of lovely things about her technique and her determination, and we all cheer her on like mad.


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