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2016 Carribbean Cruise - First Day At Sea

The first day at sea, like most days at sea, was laid back and lazy. The kids spent most of their time in the Fun Factory, we swam again (I think?), we browsed the stores, some of us gambled, and some of us napped. So rather that add detail to those exciting events, I'll just write about the kid's friends and post a cute video. At the Fun Factory, Teddy became immediate best friends with Eamon from California, who I thought of as Little Boy Tarzan. He was a handsome little dude, Teddy's age, with long, long hair. (Apparently Veronica had never seen hair like that on a boy before because up until the last day, she insisted he was a girl.) Veronica's friends were Summer and Sophia, from Ann Arbor. Super lovely, very tall girls who looked like twins but weren't (they were actually a year apart in age but almost exactly the same height.) We chatted with their parents a few times through the cruise and they were also lovely.

That's all for now about the friends. They'll come up again later. For now, here's a totally random video the kids made in their downtime, which I find super cute. I treasure these earnest, silly, kids-being-kids videos. One day they're all going to be teenagers. They're probably be surly; they'll certainly be more self-conscious. They won't be like this for long, or at least not for as long as I'd like.


Jorge said…
Every fairy tale should end with a suplex.
Dave said…
Everything should end with a suplex! Weddings, job interviews, high school productions of Bye Bye Birdie...

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