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Two sites I've been all over lately

Apartment 613 - A blog maintained by a bunch of local folks who write about interesting goings on in the city of Ottawa. I found this while running down the directory of Ottawa bloggers listed on Ottawa Start one day, and of the twenty or so sites I got through, Apt 613 is the only one I've been frequenting. I like this site for a lot reasons: because it's updated all the time, because it's fun to see something featured (food/drink/event) that I'm familiar with, and—-most of all-—because they feature a ton of stuff I didn't have a clue about. This might come as a shock to some of you, but I'm not as hip as you think I am.

/film - I've been a follower of Ain't It Cool News for as long as I can remember having internet access, and while I used to love that site it has since gone to shit. There's either nothing new, or there are fifteen people reviewing the same movie, or if you're lucky maybe it's DVD column time--with it's token reviews and gimme-gimme Amazon links. (I'll admit the site's not all bad: I'm still loving the coaxial news and I keep up with the comics stuff.) Anyhow, /film has come along to fill the void. It's (sense the trend yet?) very frequently updated. Also very smartly written. Also: there are no !!!!!!!!!!s after every headline. Good stuff. Check it out.

(And yes, I realize it's hypocritical of me to put such high value on update frequency when I only post here once a season. What can I say? I'm a complicated man.)


aandjblog said…
I agree with Apartment 613. I am really enjoying this blog as well. I love that they update it often.

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