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Three days and counting

Of the twelve movies I need for Saturday, I have seven of them in my possession at this moment. Three others I can rent at pretty much any video store out there. The last two—Dolemite and Audition—are giving me grief. My go-to place for this kind of thing is Elgin Street Video. It’s a little place just two minutes away from where I work, and they’ve got a great collection of cult and arthouse films (but at the same time they’re not too proud to carry stuff like Roadhouse, Footloose, and The Thing). Sadly, they’ve let me down this year, 0 for 3 on the hard-to-get films (Dolemite, Audition, and Death Race 2000—the last of which no one was renting so I had to go and buy). My second choice video store in these instances is Invisible Cinema, which has an even wider selection of rare movies than Elgin Street. Problems being: a lot of their stock is in VHS, they have a limit of five rentals per customer, and the last time I was there the place reeked—like a Sumo Wrestling match had finished right before I walked in the door. They also revel in their collection of “Erotic Cinema” which (I can’t lie) makes me crazy uncomfortable. I always slink out of that place like I’ve been shopping for pornos. Disses aside, they do have both movies I need. But with their two-night rental policy (and the fact that no one lets you reserve movies these days), I’ve got to show up there on Friday hoping that no one has scooped up either movie out from under me.

Dolemite has been a pain in my ass before. The very first year of the Movie Marathon, I had to drop it last minute and sub in Superfly because I couldn’t find it anywhere. I’d buy it… but only for the right price. (The right price being under nine dollars.) I think it’s going to be hilarious… but terrible, and I don’t imagine I’ll ever want to see it again. I figured that—seeing as Rudy Ray Moore just died—I’d be able to find this movie everywhere. Not so. Just Invisible Cinema. Audition was also trickier than I thought. At least that one I can buy (at a highly inflated price) if worse comes to worst. If Dolemite isn’t in? I guess we’ll just have to watch the trailer over and over and over again.


Anonymous said…
Which ones are you still looking for? I can have a look at the wicked little video shop here.
Anonymous said…
You know, if you are short a movie, you can always watch Crimetime!
Anonymous said…
Crimetime is for losers.

300 should be subbed.

Because I really, really want to dine in hell.
Anonymous said…

Do not knock Crimetime. We have a long and complicated relationship with that movie. And Beth procured it for $0.05, so we have it in our possession. Good times!
Anonymous said…
You rule the roost, my dear.

I will retract my comment and say that "Once I thought Crimetime was for losers, but now I am just unsure until I see it."

Fair? :)

In other news, my Word Verification sounds like an evil ponr name for a Thundercats villain: bumurra
Dave said…
Rebecca: As of right now, the last two left are Dolemite and The Oh in Ohio. If your wicked little video shop has Dolemite, I'd love it if you grabbed that, because I've been burned on that one before. If you do get it, please let me know before 1pm on Friday. You will be my BFF.

Sarah and Jorge: Go take your flame war elsewhere!

Beth: Look what you've done.
Anonymous said…
@Jorge - You are lucky that you corrected your statement before I saw it. As Sarah says, we have a long and complicated relationship with that movie and no one should dare to speak ill of Crimetime. Also, for the record, I procured it for $0.01. 'cuz it's that good.
Anonymous said…
Because I'm trying to make sure you get this: good news - can get Oh in Ohio; bad news - can't find Dolomite. Yet. I'll keep trying.
Anonymous said…
Dave - Who do you think you are? The owner of this blog? Go fugg yourself. Your wife and I can get on our flaming anywhere we wants to because...

Rebecca - No worries. I procured Dolemite today. I will charge Dave DOUBLE what I paid for it because it's shipping AIR, baby...

Beth - I'm not afraid of you. I can say that because you're so far away. ;)

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