Twelve Weeks
A lot of you have heard this story before, but before we went to the first ultrasound I'd naturally assumed I wouldn't be able to make heads or tails of what I saw. I think that in my head I was picturing ultrasounds from the olden days, where they looked like photos of deep space or of someone's colon. But as you can see, while a little grainy, everything was easy to make out. My first thought was, "That baby is HUGE for twelve weeks!" forgetting that they'd magnified things about a thousand times. I also didn't realize that I was looking at still photographs. They'd get a good angle, snap a picture, and then hold on it to do measurements. But then a few minutes in, when the technician was looking for a new angle, the kid started rocking out. He (although we didn't know it was a he just yet) actually flipped over on his side and flipped back again, way faster than I ever thought something that small could move. And for the record, that's not a tusk shooting out of his head. It's his hand. A little wussup to all the people watching maybe, or possibly a gang sign. We'll see that again.
Eighteen Weeks
This is totally the 2001: A Space Odyssey shot. The second visit was cool because there was just so much detail: individual chambers of the heart pumping away, spine, clearly defined limbs, face (sorta), and of course--his goods. Actually the first shot was a between-the-legs shot. I thought, is that what I think it is? The technician said, "I think I see something there." We got away from it for a bit, she took some measurements of limbs and organs, then we got back to that area and the technician (a francophone) was all, "Ah, you can see his manhood." Looking at this picture again, this visit seems like forever ago. This was back when we were briefly flirting with naming him "Siemens."
Thirty-two Weeks
I promise that it did not look as off in real time.