I had a lot of fun interviewing Beth a while back, and I really like this idea. Don’t get me wrong: I don’t flatter myself, thinking I have crazy good interview skills. There's a reason I did the first exchange over e-mail—so I could take time to think of the next question, rearrange the content, and generally edit the bejezus out of whatever I said. I thought the result was great.
Jorge volunteered to be my next subject, and because he had plans to visit, I decided to kick it up a notch. We did an audio interview. Just before
midnight last Friday, we sat down with a few beers, a bottle of Sour Puss (don’t ask), and an amazingly simple-to-use bit of software called Audacity. We talked until four in the morning. I do not present the full version to you here. We hardly even like ourselves enough to listen to the full version. No, available through this link is the heavily pared down six-minute version. I love it. It was fun to record, and strangely fun to edit (even though it took me about a day and a half to do). I’m pretty sure the audio interview is a one time thing. I’ve got a voice for silent film, if you know what I mean. Ever if I didn’t stutter, uhhhhhhh, and talksofast throughout, I don’t know anyone else who would endure the Sour Puss. Thanks, dude.
Click here for Acton-bashing, harsh language, mature themes, and the best Dave McLean impression ever attempted!
photo credit: mamalikey
Jorge volunteered to be my next subject, and because he had plans to visit, I decided to kick it up a notch. We did an audio interview. Just before
Click here for Acton-bashing, harsh language, mature themes, and the best Dave McLean impression ever attempted!
photo credit: mamalikey
Too bad you picked from one of the many crappy pictures of me instead of picking from the two pictures where I actually look semi-decent. :)
You should do the audio whenever you can, Dave. The giggles and pauses added to the affect.