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Body Break - With Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod

  • I’ve just signed up for Ottawa Race Weekend. It’s only the 10K, so don’t go thinking I’m planning anything crazy like a marathon. Cathy taught me better than that last year. Running by us as we cheered her on near the end of the race, she croaked, "Never do this," and her words have haunted me ever since. I’ll be Isha’s tag-along for this year's 10K. We had a practice run last week, maybe seven kilometers or so, and I didn’t fall down dead so I feel pretty positive the race won’t kill me either. It’s the first one I’ve done in at least three years.

  • My stupid quest to run a 22 minute treadmill 5K is still ongoing. I got stalled for a while but finally made some progress last night. I’m at 25:32. Sadly, I’m too dumb to remember how long I was taking when I first started this. I’d like to say I’ve shaved five minutes off my original time, but I’m pretty sure that would be a damn dirty lie.

  • Lastly, we’ve joined an All-Sorts-Of-Sports league run by the Ottawa Sport and Social Club. (We being Sarah, Isha, yours truly—and a few others I won’t mention by name either because they are blogless or because they are not married to me.) It’s a just-for-fun league, which doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t try to win, just that you shouldn’t be act like a dick about it. The sports include Ultimate Frisbee, Flag Football, and Soccer. Over a weekend practice, the three of us determined we could successfully chuck around a frisbee. The same principal has not yet been demonstrated for football. And let me tell you, I’m really looking forward to those days where it’s 90 degrees Celsius outside and we have to play soccer. That’s gonna be… an experience.


Anonymous said…
I wish you luck on all of your endeavours, man.

You were an inspiration to run beside for my 10K a few years ago.

You left such an impression, I'll never run a 10K by myself again!
Anonymous said…

10K is an excellent goal! If you can complete it, and then train for another few weeks (14, or so), you could easily run a Half!

Running a 22min 5K is quite the goal, m'friend. On this trek I wish you well. (All's I know is my sis and I ran a 24:40 5K in April, and it was harsh! Harsh like - during the 21K and 30K runs I never doubt myself. During that 5K I was nothing but self-doubting.) It's a mighty mission.

An Ottawa friend played Dodgeball in the city and had a blast... That fun leage sounds like it'd be a blast! H'enjoy, h'eh.
Anonymous said…
Football, soccer ball or frisbee to the face? Which would you choose?
Jay said…
If you don't know your start time, maybe you're getting worse.

You never know.

When I graduated from physical therapy and started a real gym, I kept diligent notes in a little brown notebook of how long I ran and in what time, and how much I could bench...and somebody stole it. Stole it! Now who would need to steal a brown notebook that says they can curl 10 lbs 6 times per bicep, I have no idea.

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