Welcome to my current obsession: Sucks/Rocks. It’s a site that determine whether something rocks or sucks. Beautiful in its simplicity, isn’t it? You enter your search term—say, Peanut Butter Cups—and the site will search for all instances of positive phrase relating to your term versus negative phrases relating to your term (‘Peanut Butter Cups are wicked!’ as opposed to ‘I can’t stand me no goddamn Peanut Butter Cups!’) It then takes these positive and negative hits, factors in some complicated maths, and comes back with a ranking from 0 to 10, with 0 being a black hole of sucking, and 10 being something that rocks more than anything that has every rocked before.
One-off searches are fun, but it’s the comparisons that make things really interesting. Here are a few I tried earlier today:
Let’s analyze the results. You’re probably as surprised as I am by Nickleback’s standing. I’d certainly have placed them as sucking more than hippies but less than diarrhea, however, the mass majority says that Nickleback rocks—just not very much. It’s reassuring to know, though, that they don’t rock as hard as old people. After that, I was on a quest to find the thing that sucked more than anything else, and while I didn’t burn through the entire dictionary, of the hundred odd searches I tried nothing sucked so hard as American beer. Now we come to toques (knit-caps to you American folk). Who’d have believed that of all the things that rock, chief among them is the toque? Even Jesus doesn’t rock so hard as the toque, and that guy—clearly—rocks pretty hard.
Go on over to the site. It’s stupidly addictive. Given enough time, you’ll search on anything. I eventually got the notion that Sucks/Rocks might solve my long-standing Sarah-related inferiority complex. As you can see, no cure was found there.
One-off searches are fun, but it’s the comparisons that make things really interesting. Here are a few I tried earlier today:
Go on over to the site. It’s stupidly addictive. Given enough time, you’ll search on anything. I eventually got the notion that Sucks/Rocks might solve my long-standing Sarah-related inferiority complex. As you can see, no cure was found there.
Beth: Stealer of ideas.
Herpes. It clocks in at -2.5. Rock! I mean Suck!
great find!!
PS - i crashed the site while trying AT&T on it