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Menopause-Themed Slot Machines = Awesome

We sleep in a little, then leave our bags with the bell desk and check out. Hauling ass to Cravings (the buffet at Mirage), we get there two minutes after the lunch prices come into play, but the cashier is a sweetheart and gives us breakfast prices anyways. There’s mediocre sushi, very good Chinese, and decent Italian, plus breakfast items which we avoid like the plague. After this, we head through Harrah’s and catch the monorail heading South. Having rocked the entire North end of the strip the day before, this last day is our chance to show the South end a good time, and not call it in the morning.

Popping into MGM, we have a second crack at Studio City. This time, it’s a preview for an animated show called Creature Comforts. Basic premise: the producers have gone out and interviewed everyday peeps on topics like Keeping Secrets, Health, Sexuality, etc. While the audio remains intact, in place of the actual speakers are claymation sequences featuring animals as the speakers. So, dialogue from some guy talking about how he doesn’t like his women too skinny is delivered by a walking stick. Or a girl doing he loves me, he loves me not is turned into a monkey grooming nits out of another monkey. Overall, I thought it was okay (Sarah hated it), but it just seemed like a lot of work for not a lot of payoff. After this, we step on over to:

The Theme: To be honest, we only walked through here, so the only comment I can make is...
What’s Good: It’s not O’Shea’s.

We’re there just long enough for a looksee and some match pilfering (thus completing MatchQuest 2007), then we revisit New York, New York. Along with the many perks (and dirt-cheap rates) from our stay there, we were given two free tickets the roller coaster which we didn’t have a chance to redeem during our stay. It’s pretty kick ass (and only mildly headache-inducing). There’s a nice drop, a long corkscrew, and an out-of-the-blue holy shit, we’re upside down moment. Worth it for the cost of nothing? You betcha. Following this, we tram it to Mandalay Bay, and gamble without scoring drinks. Then over to Luxor for more dry gambling. Assuming we’ll never have liquid again, we buy a 9 litre fountain drink at the foot court. But then when we get to Camelot, the booze starts flowing again. (Also worth mentioning: the waitresses here take top prize in the outfit category. It’s like a page’s outfit from a Renaissance Fair, and it’s in no way sexy. I’m not being ironic when I say that. The outfits are not sexy.) To finish the day’s gambling, we head back to NY, NY because, damn it, it’s our favourite. Funniest game of the day is Hot Flashes. “Line up three symbols to activate the mood-swing bonus!” While there, we find an amazing waitress who just throws drinks at us, even after I’ve gone bust and I’m just sitting beside Sarah and watching her play. (We could have gone on boozing, but our flight was about five hours away, and we’ve watched enough Airline to know not to come to the gate wasted.)

We’re almost out of money, voluntarily out of alcohol, but still flush with time, so we walk down to the Bellagio and watch the fountains go off a few times (Calgary Winter Olympics again, a funky version of the Pink Panther theme, and “Hey, Big Spender”). Then it’s time to call it a night. We head back down to Caesars, recover our bags, then cab it to the airport where we check into the dull Terminal 2 and avail ourselves of the free WiFi until the flight from Montreal is ready to board.


Anonymous said…
"voluntarily out of booze"

Sorry, I've never been to that place before.
Anonymous said…
It's a scary place Courtney. Better to stay pickled.
Anonymous said…
Best to stay with the familiar.
Jay said…
Why does no one else ever seem to be afraid of buffets featuring cheap seafood?
Anonymous said…
I love Creature Comforts. It used to be a short that was played now again on Nickelodeon when I was younger.
kris said…
I began drooling at "9 litre fountain drink at the foot court" -- I quickly slurped it back up at the mere mention of a Renaissance fair.

I will not be going back to Vegas anytime soon.
Beth said…
Dude, where the hell have you been? You haven't posted in like a million years!!!
Anonymous said…
I love playing internet casino slot machines
Anonymous said…
I generally tend to get my bingo news from another blog, but I found your's very interesting indeed.
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The Witch’s Diner

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