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Top Moments in Television (6 – 10)

10. Mr. Show – Season Two, “Three Times One Minus One”
The Scene:
Pootie T. and Wolfgang Amadeus Thelonius Van Funkenmeister The 19th and 3 Quarters debut their single, “Ewww, Girl, Ewww.” During an interview on the WPCBCN (White People Co-opting Black Culture Network), they discuss the difficulties of being white performers that borrow black culture for their music.
Why it’s great: The completely ridiculous song, Pootie’s lollipop, “Damn,” the sex, the fact that the girl still dies in the end?!?… so, pretty much everything. I’ve watched precious little Mr. Show, so I’m sure there are other skits that deserve mention that I don’t even know about. This one slayed me, though.
Clip: Damn. By which I mean: yes.

9. Extras – Season One, “Patrick Stewart”
The Scene:
Andy is cast as an extra in an Elizabethan drama staring Patrick Stewart. During a break, Andy sneaks into the star’s trailer with the script for a comedy pilot in his hands. He asks Stewart if he would take a look at the pilot and pass it around to any of his friends in the industry. Stewart is surprisingly receptive to this idea; further, Stewart tells Andy about a script of his own that he’s been writing.
Why it’s great: Because Patrick Stewart plays it dead seriously. If this were William Shatner taking a piss at his own image, it would be done with a wink and a smile. And it would be terrible.
Clip: I would have been crushed if I couldn’t find a clip for this one. It’s not the kind of thing that flat description would do justice.

8. Angel – Season Two: “Through the Looking Glass”
The Scene:
Angel and crew have been sucked through a portal into Pylea, an alternate dimension where demons are the dominant species and humans are basically cattle. Lorne leads Angel to the home of his family—which he’d escaped from years ago—hoping to find a way back to Earth. The visit doesn’t go well, as it begins with Lorne’s mother spiting in his face and stating, “You’re father was right: we ate the wrong son.” She goes on to describe the deep shame the family endured after Lorne abandoned them. “You’re brother Numfar performed the Dance of Shame for three moons after you’d gone.” Then we’re treated to it personally… as Lorne’s mother shouts for Numfar to do the Dance of Shame.
Why it’s great: It’s such a silly, uncoordinated dance, and even though it’s in the periphery of the scene, you can’t stop watching and you don’t remember a word anyone says during it. And later, when Numfar is told to do the Dance of Joy, it’s pretty much the same thing.
Clip: Sort of. The best I could do was this dance compilation clip featuring scenes from various Whedon shows. The Dance of Shame is the first clip they play, and there are two other excerpts throughout the video.
Bonus trivia: Numfar is actually played by the man himself, Joss Whedon.

7. The West Wing – Season Two: “Two Cathedrals”
The scene: Jed Bartlett’s been having a bad year. He’s been shot (alongside another member of his staff who nearly died), he has just released the news that he has MS (which has the Republicans calling for his impeachment and the Dems begging him not to run again), and his sweet, matronly secretary is killed by a drunk driver. After the funeral for the late Mrs. Landingham, Bartlett asks the secret service to close off the cathedral and give him a moment, whereupon he launches into a tirade against God. “You're a son of a bitch, you know that? She bought her first new car and you hit her with a drunk driver. What, is that supposed to be funny?” As he slowly advances towards the front of the cathedral, he lists off the things he’s accomplished, the good he’s done, then he calls God a feckless thug and curses him out in Latin (great recap provided by Television Without Pity, FYI), before crushing out a cigarette on the floor and marching out.
Why it’s great: There’s nothing quite like someone with faith turning their back on God. Plus: curses in Latin! Check out that TWoP link.
Clip: Some of these moments I’ve chosen, I admit, are a bit random. But for some like these, it amazes me that no on has made a clip available for this scene.

6. Lost – Season Two: “Two for the Road” SPOILER!!
The scene:
Ana-Lucia is alone in the hatch with Henry Gale—a man who may or may-not be one of The Others. She’s stolen a gun from Sawyer and has decided that Henry has to die, but when it comes down to it, she can’t pull the trigger. Enter Michael, recently returned from days in the woods hunting for his son. He tells her that if she can’t kill Henry, he’ll do it. He says that The Others are killers and he knows what they’re capable of. Ana-Lucia hands him the gun. Michael apologies. Then he shoots her. Libby stumbles in on the situation and Michael reflectively fires on her as well. From the look on his face, it’s clear he’d never meant to kill her both women. He walks over and unlocks the door to set Henry free, then he turns the gun on himself.
Why it’s great: Not only was it probably the biggest holy shit moment in the show so far, but I got to watch it with two other fans (Jorge and Reay), whereas I usually catch the show all by my lonesome. And when Reay raised his arms in the air right as Michael shot Ana-Lucia, it just made the situation all that more wtf?!? (His girlfriend caught the show on an earlier feed and let him know there was a twist ending, but not what the twist was.)
Clip: See my clip comments for “Two Cathedrals”


Anonymous said…
I remember pissing myself laughing at Bob Odenkirk's character's name. Holy shit. Good times.

And yes, there are MANY more Mr. Show skits that are just as funny (And some funnier).

Also, that LOST moment that we all shared was so WTF, man. SO WTF!
Anonymous said…
In news unrelated to the TV countdown (loving, btw)....but pressing in on your calendar:
Anonymous said…
#6 is my favorite LOST moment so far. And that show is awesome!

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