Pretend you have the ability to go back in time and film ten moments of your life. These can be moments of great consequence (a proposal, a birth, a Nobel Prize nomination,) or moments of no consequence (that time you were hit in the crotch with a football). Name one of these ten moments.
... that two people were instrumental in my joining Twitter. First, Isha . She sent out an article on it when the application was still brand new. (And I remember thinking, "Screw that noise. Like I need more online commitments.) Second was Rebecca . She joined up just a short while ago, claiming she hadn't met a bandwidth she didn't like . (And then she disappeared entirely from the internets .) It looked nice and pretty over there on her sidebar, and then I got a little jealous. The rest: history. And for those unobservant among you ( Jorge ), the Twitter feed is right there on my sidebar, replacing the old Radio 3 player that I loved, but that I think scared the bejezus out of a lot of people. Also, everyone should join Twitter. I'm needing some diversions , people.
Oh no wait, even better.
Scoring the lead role of Santa Claus in the fifth grade Christmas pageant.
Yeah, I'm gonna go with that one.
(I have a tendency to rely on humour to obscure the fact that I'm actually a big softy. Don't judge me)
Welcome to my world.
It was the first time in my life that I realized someone with an awesome personality and other talents could win at the popularity game when up against someone who had all the physical blessings.
In retrospect, it seems kind of trivial, but it meant the world to me back then.
Okay, that one, but also when I got to armour (basically, equipment maintenance and repair) at a major university fencing event. There weren't many women who did that, and my coach put me there when he found out I had a knack for repairing body wires and ground cords.
Either that, or dancing on the risers at Au Bar.