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Dispatches from Georgetown - Monday

It’s almost five months since the last time I was here, which is officially the longest I’ve been away from Georgetown ever. Even in University, at the height of my self-absorption, I still came back once every two months. My first observation is that everything is different. Okay, not everything—it’s not a dystopian nightmare where Emperor Mike Chong eats our young and deals out arbitrary, pseudo-sexual punishments at the end of a whip—but structurally at least, things are noticeably different. It’s a hundred little things: the renovated Tim Hortons, the new boxy-looking, ugly-ass Loblaws superstore off Highway 7, my parents’ new furniture set, the new layout of the Georgetown Independent—all of it collectively freaks me out a bit and makes me feel like I’ve been away for years.

I’m not going to have a chance to see everybody. Usually in a case like this, I’ll sneak into town like a thief, see only the few people I can squeeze in, and flee before anyone else gets wise. I’ve got a little more time this trip, so I’m going to try to see everyone, even if it’s just for a quick four or five pints over my lunch hour. Toronto folk: I’ll try to hook up with you for coffee or a lunch. Georgetown folk: we can just meet at one of the old hang-outs, like Timeout… What? It’s gone? Okay, we’ll just go to Charley’s then. Really? Fine, then we’ll just go to Marty’s Too. Seriously? Goddamn it, I don’t recognize this place anymore!


Beth said…
But did you hear that Milton got a Wal-Mart?

Honestly, that's ALL I heard about when I was in Ontario last summer. God bless the suburbs.
Beth said…
P.S. I like how my new pic makes it look like I'm looking at the comment I wrote!
Rebecca said…
That's so cool! All I got is my teddy bear, who looks like he's being suffocated with my scarf.
Anonymous said…
Bethie - Nice pic.
Rebeckie - Nice Bear.

Davie - It's amazing how fast things can change.

I mean Acton is now bigger then a small village! Wouldja believe it?
Anonymous said…
I didn't know you knew anyone in Georgetown. That's where m'lady used to live, doncha know? And it's still where we get our spring water. Swear to Christ, she's addicted to the stuff and nothing else will quite do, so we have two 18L and two 11L bottles and we take a drive there and back every few weeks to fill up again. Young's Pharmacy is the place.

Speaking of which, do they still have a KKK chapter?
Yes, sadly? Still serious.

And I'm now doing some weird American History X and You Looking Like Edward Norton thing in my sleep-lacking brain, so I'll toddle off.

But next time you're there, do try Young's spring water.
Top notch.
Dave said…
So true! Georgetown is the whitest city ever. When I was going to grade school, there were two black families living here. Now, twelve years later, there are three. (And I think the original two families moved away.)

But let’s talk about the KKK. Here’s what actually happened. In the summer of, like*, 1987, two KKK guys came to downtown Georgetown and started handing out flyers. They were there for about eight minutes, then somebody started a fight with them, so the police came, and the KKK went home. That’s it. There’s no local chapter, they’ve never been back, but even since then and onto this day, everyone things Georgetown is KKKville.

*I say like because, frankly, I have no idea when it happened other than ‘when I was a kid.’
Anonymous said…
First Visit To Georgetown 2010,

I visit Georgetown for first time most recent.

When I visit new places, I like to get a feel for (if the people/ environment are friendly/unfriendly without challenge).

The first response is first impression, and everything after blends into the background. I can say the first 3 people I talked to (you know who you are) stand above the crowd.

In the south we embrace and/or welcome all whom visit and to stay awhile... I have no regret.

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