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Discuss amongst yourselves - One of Three

I'm feeling like I've slacked off on these lately, so it's make up time.

First Question:

What was your greatest performance of all time? It could be that time you played Rumtumtugger in a high school production of Cats, or it could be that time you convinced your boss that you're a valuable employee even though it was dirty, dirty lie.


Anonymous said…
If I get this new job, my greatest performance will be convincing this company to take a chance on me, considering that I don't really have any of the experience they want.

Right now, however, my greatest performance was in the championship round of the Rogers High School debate tournament. We (my best friend and team member Matt and I) were facing a team who had beat us previously on the same day with the same topic. We massacred them. I don't think I've ever been as eloquent as I was then. When we were finished, the mother of one of the girls we beat came over and told Matt and I that we should have our own talk show. That was awesome.
Anonymous said…

A friend of mine and I swept the debating championships in University.
But that was just fun.

Bye Bye Birdie in high school was challenging, but I had great friends to act with, so that wasn't a challenge either.

I would have to say that grading for my brown belt in Goju Ryu with a cracked rib and Giardia would take the cake on that one.
Anonymous said…
Getting my Level C in spoken French. You remember the stress, right? The constant panic of everyone in my class, the daily tears, the inability to sleep the night before...

I would have no job if I didn't pass. If I didn't get it on my first try (and only 15% do), I would have to delay the move to Ottawa and have to deal with it right before the wedding.

Man - I was so proud that day...I NAILED that exam (and on the phone). The move/new job/wedding in one week was a snap after living through that "I think I will have a heart attack from the stress" period of time.

And I thought that my MSc. defence would be hard...
Anonymous said…

Shouldn't that be Level รง?

Rebecca said…
Probably winning the public speaking contest in grade 10. We had to tell fairy tale, fable, or myth, and being the difficult child I was, I went with The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. It's the story of the 3 little pigs (duh), but told from the perspective of the wolf.

I rocked that sucker so hard, I had the judges cracking up.
Anonymous said…
I guess it would be the collective performance of a high school speech that got me a couple of notches below the provincial finals.
As it was, my arch rival (and oh, what a prick he was, the smarmy bastard) defeated me to advance with a speech which was, for the record, not as good as mine.
I mean... negro, please.
Lushy said…
I'm a late poster (as always) on this one. I would have to say that my best performance was during my 12th grade world history class. My very strict teacher made us sit in alphabetical order but the guy that I believed was the love of my life sat two seats up and one row over from me. I convinced my teacher that I was hard of hearing in my left ear and needed to move up two seats in order to hear him. I didn't want to move all the way to the front row because I didn't want anyone to know about my hearing problem. It was just too embarrassing and was the reason why I didn't ever wear my hearing aid. I sat next to Mike all year and made no progress.

I am now 31 almost 32 years old and I swear that I am going deaf in my right ear. Can't hear a damn thing unless I can see you while you are talking to me. Karma hates me.

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