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BC beers make me sexy

I wanted to link to the website of the place where we had lunch, but the Hell’s Kitchen site is down. Fortunately, the good foodies of Vancouver have provided alternate sources of dining information. While I though both the meal and the restaurant itself were great, I’m wrong, and I also have bad taste. Here’s JR’s thoughts on the place: “Vancouver people are so shallow they have to go to those joints like fukking Hell's Kitchen to look and act cool BUT they obviously are not cool to begin with. Just a bunch of sore losers and posers!! (bolding is not mine). It looks like the Discover Vancouver boards are frequented by the same folks that hang out at Ain’t It Cool News.

We went to a Canucks game last night, which was fantastic despite a terrible overtime loss. I’m only just stepping my toe into this whole hockey phenomenon, so consider my insights suspect, but it seems to me that Canucks fans love and hate their team equally. The love is no surprise, but when their team fails them the fans start talking murder. I’ve never heard people shout such hateful shit about their own team in my entire life. Regardless, it was a quick, close game that was great to watch until overtime, where the Sharks scored about twenty seconds in. It was like the Canucks forgot they were still playing. Actually, it was like we were watching a skills competition and the Canucks were just a bunch of pylons for the Sharks to skate around on their way to the goal.

After that, we went to a new place called The Gecko Club. Beth’s friend Jenny knew the promoter, so this—combined with our good looks—allowed us to cut to the front of the line. (There was no line.) It was Latin Night, which wasn’t so appealing a prospect, but it was a bar and it served beer, so I was equipped with all I could possible need. Loving the BC beers, by the way. Okanagan Springs, Granville Island, whatever that wheat beer was at the gecko bar. Drunky drunky.


Anonymous said…
I don't know what the guy above me is fucking saying, or I might comment on that too.

Yay! for drunky drunky. I got that way the other night, too, but we don't want to talk about that.
Anonymous said…
I think he's saying something about Dave's fly.

Dave, you'd better not go all Westy on us....
Tammy said…
Heeeey, don't slag us Westies. We're sensitive and shit.

Dave, for more fine dining (er, or maybe not-so-fine dining) in Vancouver:

Memphis Blues Barbeque House has two locations to choose from: one on Broadway, near Granville Street, and the other on Commercial Drive. It's probably my husband's favourite casual dining restaurant, largely because every meal contains pretty much just meat.

Also on Commercial Drive is a tapas place called Stella's, which we go to all the time. The something-encrusted seared ahi tuna is MAGIFICENT.

Over in Kitsilano, on Broadway near Macdonald, is Feenie's, owned by Iron Chef winner Rob Feenie. It's pretty awesome. If you can't get in (reservations are definitely in order), the tasting bar at Lumiere, Feenie's fancy-schmancy restaurant next door, is amazing, too. They have a version of macaroni and cheese that moves me to tears.

If you want ambiance and a great martini list (are the hepsters still drinking martinis? Well, I still like them), Lucy Mae Brown is downtown on Richards Street. The food is meh and mostly overpriced, but the drinks are fabulous. Avoid the restaurant area and just go to the bar downstairs and have drinks.

The Reef on Main Street serves great Caribbean food. If you go, order the johnnycakes... delicious balls of deep-fried dough. I once went to the Reef for my birthday, and we told the server to just bring more johnnycakes any time he saw the basket empty. He eventually cut us off, claiming they would ruin our dinner. I still bear a grudge.

Vij's is great, too. It's on the fancy side, so if you're done with fine dining and want a more downmarket -- but still funky -- Indian fusion experience, there's always Clove on Commercial Drive. (Really, you should just walk down the heart of the Drive no matter what, especially if it's a warm day, because you will see swarms of hippies the likes of which you probably did not think you would ever see in a Canadian city in the 21st century.)

As for Nevermind, I've never been there myself but I've only heard bad things. So maybe skip it. Vancouver has tonnes of great restaurants, so there's no need to suffer a mediocre meal.
Anonymous said…
No slag intended.
I was more referring tot he Westy state of mind.

I could have easily have said don't go all Ralph Kleiny on us.

But that's not really funny.
It's just sad.

Anonymous said…

Cease and desist, please!! You are currently acting like an elitist 'Central Canadian'. Let's not personify stereotypes, please. We're all about love, all across the country.
Anonymous said…

All I was saying was that Dave was going to become relaxed and laid back instead of anal and clock-watching.

There was no negative sterotyping going on here.

Although, the last time I was in BC, I got the coldest shoulders I've received anywhere I've been in the country.




PS: For the record I did actually go to doppelganger's site and left a (non hateful) comment.
Tammy said…
It's true, he did! Woo, Jorge! Pax all around.

The problem with the west coast is that no one here has a sense of humour. (I kid! Sort of.)

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