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Dammit, am I ever stir-crazy today. Not just today, in truth I’ve had this feeling for something like four days now. Whatever I’m doing, I have this constant feeling that I’d really like to be doing something else. And it’s not just at work that this happens (although it does happen at work); I’m reading a book, or screwing around on the computer, or watching a movie, and I have this nagging feeling that there’s something else I meant to be doing, something I was looking forward to all day. What could that be? Fucked if I know. This thing isn’t debilitating, I’m not sopping with sweat over it—it’s just there. In the end, I blame my compromised immune system.

There’s nothing dramatically new with Aunt Flo just yet. We’re still waiting for her to wake up, and it seems like that could happen any day now. On Monday, the family met with her neurologist who says her cognitive ability looks intact, and he also feels that she has a good chance of regaining some lost mobility through rehabilitation. Everyone in Sarah’s family is doing well and staying strong. Thanks for all of the good wishes.

In other news, despite any news you may have heard to the contrary, it isn’t actually Spring yet.


Anonymous said…

Winter returned to kick us in the crotch, and hard.

Your nagging feeling might just be stir craziness. Unless you are getting out there and getting rid of this feeling it will haunt you.

Perhaps it is time for some Jedi Goodness?

Jay said…
I love stir fry! You don't have to be crazy to stir it up. And always include baby corn. Everyone smiles at baby corn.
Anonymous said…
I know exactly what you're talking about Dave. I've been having the 'grass is greener somewhere else' feeling myself.

And spring is definitely NOT here. What the fuck is up with the fucking snow? Huh? My birthday is coming up - whatever supreme being is up there should know that I want some fucking HEAT!

Okay, I'm done. Have a great day, Dave!
Anonymous said…
You are all missing the fact that you should be hanging out with me in T-Dot.

Move your heinies here PRONTO.
Anonymous said…
You find me a job, Jorge, and I'll be there.

I need to relocate.

Finance is my specialty.
Anonymous said…
You can be my accountant, if you can magically make me $100000000.
Anonymous said…
You can be my accountant, if you magically make me employable.
Anonymous said…
I'm an accountant, not a miracle worker, people.

Come on.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Don't use that kind of language with ME, Jorge.

Anonymous said…
COURNTEY/DAVE ===> Ok, the apartment at the end of my hall is getting renovated, which means that the couple that lived is are gone. Which is super news for you two. You two and Sarah can live there, because Toronto's better than Ottawa and better than Tornadoville (er... Bentonville) in various ways. At the very least, we don't get tornados here. Barrie, yes. Toronto, no. See? Like that. Also, y'all have an in, because I'm on good terms with the landlady. It's like it was meant to be! That way, Dave's closer for things like his 24 hour movie marathons (as well as whatever else he and Jorge get up to), and Courtney's relocated to the biggest city in Canada - where else are you most likely to find an accounting job if not the biggest city in a country? - and she can drink good beer, and everyone's happy.

Glad, as always, to be of service in solving the world's problems.

Beth said…
Reay, there is one little problem with your plan.... who would move away from the Ottawa Sens to be in a city full of LEAFS FANS??!!
Anonymous said…
Dave - How in the hell did we end up living together? (And how many times do you think I can comment on one blog entry?)

Reay - Good idea. BUT - I'm not sure Dave and Sarah want to live with me and Braeden, or vice versa. I don't know that I'd like living with Chuck Norris' alter ego. Although, Toronto does sound great.
Anonymous said…
Honestly, Reay is a genius.

And Beth, what better way to spread Sensy Goodness around than to move them around the country.

As Reay would say...

It's fuckin' Simple.
Beth said…
Jorge, I can see it now -- the Sarah & Dave Cross-Canada Sensy Goodness Tour! Next stop: Moose Jaw!
Dave said…
Good to know that someone’s been minding the store while I’ve been away. Gents and ladies all: thanks.

Toronto? Nice place to visit and all, but, you know, there’s all that SARS going around still. Also, my company’s Ottawa office has a trackpants-casual dress code that I’m pretty fond of. Hides the weight gain. Further, housing prices are rock bottom here, which is how we afford our nineteen bedroom, two block compound in Sandy Hill.*

*some of these things may not be true

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