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Alright folks, we’re out of here for a week, away on the most timely and well-deserved vacation in our entire lives (feels that way, anyway.) We’ll return as bronze gods reeking of rum in a week’s time. Some items of note:
  • This is very fucking funny.
  • I have no discuss amongst yourselves question on the way for Monday (and no energy to create one now). If you want to make one up, then you go. You run with that.
We love you all but we won't think of you for one solitary second for at least the next eight days. Don’t rob us while we’re gone.

Dave & Sarah


Anonymous said…
You guys have a great time.
While you are gone Bill and I will ruin your blog with an intellectual discussion about pooping.

Bill will contribute the intellect, while I will contribute the poop.

Anonymous said…

Double turds!
Beth said…
Woo hoo! Party at Dave & Sarah's place! We can trash the joint!
Jay said…
Enjoy. Remember to reapply every 30 minutes!
Anonymous said…
Hope you're having a great vacation!
Anonymous said…
Where did they go?
Anonymous said…
I don't know where they went.
But Dave looks like fuckin' James Bond in that pic.
Anonymous said…

How funny.
Anonymous said…
You fools; James Bond is a blond.
Anonymous said…
Not if he's in disguise.
Okay, I'm taking charge now.
New topic:

What do you think Dave is doing right now?

Please be as descriptive as possible.

PS: Ironically, the word verification is nkndrpp which sounds like an answer to this question.
Beth said…
I bet he is thinking, "I wonder what Jorge is doing right now?"
Anonymous said…
He's soul-kissing a Bahamian named Rudy while Sarah, growing more and more enraged, spends her night driving around Nassau in the back of a cab, leaning out the window and squinting down alleys, before finally collapsing, exhausted, in the hotel room, and saying, That douchebag has ditched me, traipsing off on the arm of a bearded black man in a wool cap with nappy belly hair and yellow toenails, for the last time.
Anonymous said…
I was thinking, you know, something like drinking mojitos while staring off the poop deck or he's lying on the beach perpetratin' a tan so that a brother with the money can be their man...

But that works too.

It works just fine.
Anonymous said…
Dave and Sarah are having great 'vacation sex' (you know what I'm talking about) and drinking lots and basically forgetting that all of us even exist.

The bastards.
Anonymous said…
You were correct to put that in quotes, Courtney.

Vacation sex is comprised of Dave being finished in 3 minutes rather than 2.

Today's word verification: ymcadiz

Anonymous said…
I don't know how you know Dave's finishing time, vacation or not, and quite frankly, I don't want to.

'Mrs. Jorge-with-a-goatee' suddenly just took on a whole new meaning.

Dave said…
You're were all wrong! I was drunk off my ass, competing in Princess Idol. My "Allentown" was pitch-perfect, but I lost to an Okie brother and sister team who sang "Paradise by the Dashboard Light." Bastards.

More to come after my detox is complete.

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