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Discuss Amongst Yourselves - January 16th, 2006

Who's someone from your past you'd like to reconnect with? For whatever purpose you'd like: to shoot the shit with, to ream out, to crotch-kick, or to make sweet, sweet love to.


Jay said…
My friend Enji - when she moved back to Egypt she was never heard from again, and every time I remember her, I still worry. I'd just like to know she's okay.
Anonymous said…
A friend of mine from High School. His name was Emil.
He was a quiet guy (kinda like Tien), but very peaceful (unlike Tien).
Lushy said…
I would like to meet up with the first guy I slept with. I would like to shoot the shit with him, ream him out, kick him in the crotch and make sweet, sweet love to him. Not necessarily in that order.
Rebecca said…
Ryan P., the guy I had a crush on all the way through elementary school. I want to know why he asked out Sarah H. in grade 7 instead of me.
Anonymous said…
Lushy, if you could do all those things simultaneously, I would be very impressed.

In other news, the word verifications pictures are getting so obscure, I can't tell what the fuck letters to type!
Anonymous said…
They're getting creepy, too. This one says fnord. Two days ago I had cthulhu.
Anonymous said…
That was funny.
Anonymous said…
Is it sad that there isn't one person I'd like to see again?

I've kept in touch with everyone that I want to.

Maybe I'm just a bitch.

I've been told that.
Anonymous said…
If you kick people in the crotch hard enough, their brains come out their ears.

That makes it easy to examine them.
Anonymous said…
Good one, Jorge.

I think I know a few men I'd like to try that out on.
Tammy said…
I'd want to hang out with this guy, Dustin, who I was friends with in high school. He was the prototype for every fantastically funny, super-smart, uber-nerdy guy friend I've had since then.

I'd also like to find Ryan, who was Dustin's counterpart when I was in university, and who is the reason why I can still quote large chunks of Monty Python years later.

Oooh, my verification word is "lxfrqx." It's fun to say! Try it!
Anonymous said…
I'd like to find Jeff Brooks, my classmate grades one through three, who had posters featuring Lambourghinis and pendulous tits in his basement apartment, with whom I shared a throbbing lust for a girl two years older named Lisa, and who once approached me tentatively at recess, asking, 'Should I get a spike or a perm?', and arrived the following day with soft chestnut curls.

I'd like to talk to Todd Weltz, who was probably a premature birth, who was certainly a tiny little boy, who was my age and bright and smaller than anyone but a dwarf has a right to be; who was poor; whose mother went to bingo; whose older brother went to jail; and whom everyone called 'Toad'.

I'd like to know Cindy Shen forever.

I'd like to erase the years of divergence that have made Pat Bazinet and I mutually unintelligible.

I'd like to see Andy Davison. I'd like to see whether he still has a mohawk. But I know he doesn't.

I'd like to put my throbbing thing into Leslie Conning, just to take that smug look off her face. I'm not kidding.

I'd like to apologize in person to Jessica Salt, to whom I, with not insignificant goading, wrote a singularly obscene and horrifying letter in grade seven, and then I'd like to bury myself in her butt.

Well, what did you expect?
Anonymous said…
Whoops! Throbbing. You're a twat, Rorschach.
Dave said…
Kristi Kanapka, so I can ask her again to meet me at Mac's.

Steve Boyle, who I haven't seen since the wedding but whose bare ass is available to me any time on DVD.

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