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Got a call from my parents saying that they had to put the family dog down. Bandit was seventeen, and he lived far longer than anyone would have imagined, so it could have been much worse. Still, if you've had a pet who died or if you have imagination of any kind, you know that it still sucks. I think what bothers me the most is that I wasn't there. Not because I wanted to see him one last time--he looked a little bit worse every time I came home. It's that I wish my parents hadn't had to deal with it alone. You have kids, the kids drive you nuts about buying them a dog, you give in, the kids leave home, the dog gets old, then you're the one who has to put it down. So it goes.

I'll write more on Bandit this weekend. Happier stuff, I promise; the kind of stories you break out at a wake. But for now--for those of you who knew him--I just thought you should know.


Beth said…
Oh Dave, I'm so sorry to hear about Bandit. I remember when we had to put our family dog, Brandy, down when I was about 12 and it is totally heart-breaking. I'm really sorry for you and your family.
Anonymous said…
I can understand your pain, mano.

It's hard to say the word Bandit without following it with the Wonder Dog.

He was one of the best dogs I knew. Not so intimidating. Not really very fast. But a really smart kid with the heart of a champion.

It makes me think about the future with my two furballs here, and that one day I'd have to let them go.

I normally push that thought away, but it's hard to do that in the face of this news. Ah boy.

Looking forward to your stories. I won't spoil them by typing the obvious catch phrase.
Anonymous said…
I'm really sorry to hear the sad news,Dave. Bandit always made me giggle - a great quality in a pet.

I'm just so sorry.
Anonymous said…

As I said last night, Poppy is taking him for walks in the afterlife. Nanny is also feeding him scraps from the big dinner table in the sky (and your dad isn't chastising her!). He's hanging out with his big brother, Booger, who's drinking beer while Bandit chows down on the Vienna sausages. And he's barking the unworthy people back to the door!
Anonymous said…
RIP Bandit...
I too experienced the same pain with a certian border collie: Tippy. I'm looking forward to hearing more in your next posting though, especially how Bandit had like the loudest bark in the world!
Dave said…
Hey, thanks all. The kind comments are greatly appreciated.
Jay said…
Sorry for the sad news, but judging by the picture, he was a possessed dog, and is probably more undead than anything right now.
Dave said…
Trust me, I had a way less attractive picture I was going to post. Maybe later.
kris said…
My heart aches for you. This is one of the more awful things we go through in life.

I too, have pets he is probably playing with where he is now. Actually, they were two Yorkies, who are probably driving him crazy. :)
Anonymous said…
I had a golden retriever as a child that we had to put to sleep. He was very old, and we lived in the country, and he was attacked by coyotes. I found him the next morning on our doorstep, basically eaten alive. Putting him to sleep was more a relief than anything, because I could just imagine the pain that he was in.

I'm sorry.
Anonymous said…
Dave, I'm really sorry about Bandit


Big hugs.
Anonymous said…
Dave, so sorry for your loss. One of the coolest dogs I ever met. Shout-out to the little guy: "Filet O' Fish!"


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