You leave your job and start a band. What do you play? What do you call the band?
... that two people were instrumental in my joining Twitter. First, Isha . She sent out an article on it when the application was still brand new. (And I remember thinking, "Screw that noise. Like I need more online commitments.) Second was Rebecca . She joined up just a short while ago, claiming she hadn't met a bandwidth she didn't like . (And then she disappeared entirely from the internets .) It looked nice and pretty over there on her sidebar, and then I got a little jealous. The rest: history. And for those unobservant among you ( Jorge ), the Twitter feed is right there on my sidebar, replacing the old Radio 3 player that I loved, but that I think scared the bejezus out of a lot of people. Also, everyone should join Twitter. I'm needing some diversions , people.
the Young Hegelians
baby naminals
throw like a girl
and I guess I'll play the Theremin. Glockenspiel would be good too though.
S.I.N - Synesthesia Infected Nihilism.
Think KMFDM meets early Trent Reznor meets Pink Floyd meets Radiohead.
Kids would scribble "SIN" all over their backpaks so everyone else knows that they "hate the world when the world isn't on drugs" (which would be our first single)
It would be a mix of artists with two individuals leading the composition. There would be long albums with many insturmental tracks. It would be the cd kids put on when their smoking pot in their parents' basement.
Depressed girls would have my poster on their wall, staring at it through tears of self loathing as they cut themselves.
Or maybe I'd just sing with the Hunky Junkies.
Maybe not.
So I will opt to create a Mariachi Band called the Buena Pissed Social Club.
We would drink all the time and forget our instruments at home for the most part, settling on soft-shoe a-la-Tony-Danza and other shameful shenanigans.
Keep warm.