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Discuss Amongst Yourselves - November 21, 2005

If you were to recommend one person's blog to me, whose would it be? And don't pimp mine, and don't pimp yours, and don't start alliances and go pimping each others. Show me something new, people.


Anonymous said…
Well, there are 5 blogs I visit every morning (and the rest I distribute throughout the day.

I will list them here, but pimp one at the end...

Dave - Yours, of course.

Kris - Kris - That bright-eyed cutie from DC way.

Jay - Jamie - That other bright-eyed cutie from Chinatown 7.

Cat - A friend I used to work with who has always stayed in touch.

But the pimping, today, goes out to Ian.
Ian is someone who I met on Orkut (A "friend builder" site). Him and I hit it off right away. He's visited T-Dot a few times, and we always have a great time.
He is an excellent writer. You will have a hard time separating fact from fiction on his site. But all of the stories are well crafted.
Kudos to my buddy Ian, who also takes great photos, and holds the secret recipes for Blueberry Grunt.
Anonymous said…
hey Dave,

If you've got a lot of time to waste, all the blogs I currently subscribe to are available on

but I'd have to say that the best all-purpose blog (by someone I don't know, though he's ready to be pimped, ladies) is Growabrain
Hanan "polymath" Levin is my hero!
Rebecca said…
The Yarn Harlot ( - yeah, it's a knitting blog, but she's hilarious. Plus, I don't think you read any knitting blogs, so this would be a good place to start.
Omeaux said…
That's easy!

Terri Schiavo's Blog:
Anonymous said…
My submission - I don't know this woman, nor does she ever, EVER comment back, but I love reading what she writes.

P.S. - How's the book coming?
Anonymous said… and it's sorta x-rated cousin (which was blocked by both the UN and Dubai.)


Oh and mostly pre-blog, an online mag that's now sadly over but that you must read the archives of
Lushy said…
My new favorites are Sizzle and Neil. I admit that Sizzle has become a friend, but she is so damn hilarious that I think everyone should read her.
Anonymous said…
I've got one, it's this little tosser named Ian McSomething-or-Other...Found it on a random blog search one day. He's a bit of a wanker. Read my comments re: his bitchy girlfriend...rrrreeeaarrrr!
Anonymous said…
Ray Davis' It takes some patience; the experience is a little like learning a langugae, or like learning to read upside-down.
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry. That's
Anonymous said…
J Wo. Your a dick, there's nothing there about his bitchy girlfriend, read your comment too asshole.

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