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Discuss amongst yourselves - October 24th

What book or movie scared the bejezus out of you, either recently or when you were a kid?


Rebecca said…
Stephen King's short story "The Mist" kept me awake all night, petrified that the aliens had landed, mostly because there was a huge thunderstorm the night after I read it. Talk about bad timing! (I was in grade 8 when this happened.)

The movie that scared me the most was - don't laugh - Jurassic Park. I tell ya, I had nightmares about velociraptors for days afterwards. More recently, Donnie Darko was pretty freaky.
Beth said…
The Others creeped me out, as did The Changeling.

Embarassingly, I got a bit freaked out by Scream (sad, I know), but I think this was because I watched it in my film class at night at Mac and then had to take the bus home and, as all the other passengers one by one got off the bus before my stop, I was convinced that the bus driver was going to turn around once the bus was empty of everyone but me and he'd have the Scream mask on and he'd kill me. It was in Hamilton, so it was totally possible.
Anonymous said…
I believe you will agree with me on this one: Rubber Johnny.

Holy crap the first 2 minutes of that are freaky as hell.
Anonymous said…
When I was a kid, my dad redid the basement. He made it smaller and created a bedroom. I opted to move down there.
Three things scared me...

1) The first Alien movie. There were all kinds of segmented hoses and pipses sticking out of the ceiling (which was unfinished). I had unwisely decided to move to my new room before it was actually completed. In the middle of the night, when the light from the street lamps poured through the window, some of the pipes and such looked a lot like alien parts.
I slept outside my parents room, and then quietly snuck back to my own when the sun came out.

2) Cujo. In the book there is a part about the kid seeing a pair of glowing red eyes in his closet. If I looked down from where I lay in bed, I could see my unfinished closet. A plastic vapour barrier was up, waiting to have insulation stuffed in between.
The furnace was behind that wall, and there was a humidifier unit there as well. This unit had a red power light. There was a mirror placed against the wall next to the furnace, and it reflected that red light towards me.
The space between the light and it's reflection was not very much, and so the effect was that of two glowing red eyes (the sharpness of the light was obscured by the translucent vapour barrier).

3) The Exorcist. I read this, in one night, when I lived in my new basement room. Not smart.
Anonymous said…
At the risk of sounding like a complete dork, I was scared by:

1. Arachnaphobia (the movie) - I never sit on a toilet without checking it.

2. Jeeper's Creepers - scared the shit out of me for no apparent reason.

(I hate scary movies. Just so you know.)
Isha said…
As a child:

Videodrome - when a slit opens up on James Woods' stomach and a videocassette is inserted

Creepshow 2 - The Raft: swimming in Pen Lake this summer during our Algonquin trip brought all that tarry-black-scary-blob goodness come rushing back!

The Fly (the very end of the original Vincent Price version, and the entire Cronenberg one)

It (TV miniseries) - Clowns are creepy

Short stories by Stephen King - in particular the collections "Night Shift" and "Skeleton Crew". One of those books had an eye embedded in a hand on the cover, and I could never leave that book lying around cover-side-up, it just freaked me out too much.

As an adult:

Eraserhead...don't look in the cradle. Similar to Rubber Johnny.

The Omen

The Ring - If you think about it, it's a dumb, dumb premise for a movie. But, I was afraid to turn on my TV for weeks afterwards!
Anonymous said…
Dr. Who scared me. The Daleks didn't scare me. It was all the running around on dark, cramped soundstages with no clear reason or objective, being pursued by bizarre, shambling, horse-headed creatures.
Dave said…
I agree strongly with:

The Shining - "Come play with us. Forever. And ever. And ever.

Donnie Darko - The trailer more than the actual movie.

Rubber Johnny - Obvious reasons.

The Raft - When our purvy hero is getting to second base and discovers that the tar is on the girl's face. Jesus. H.

The Fly - Corrosive Brundlefly vomit.

The Ring - When the mom finds her daughter's dead body in the closet (which NO ONE but me seems to even remember).

Dr. Who - The deafening theme song, which I think police now use to break up riots.
Dave said…
I'd also like to add Demons 2 to the list. Used to be a huge horror fan as a kid, and this movie (despite my deadened soul) made me wildly uncomfortable. Fifteen years before The Ring, this movie had a monster-bursting-out-of-the-TV scene that made me want to shit.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Amityville movies were the scariest. That house was wacked.

Agreed. Stephen King's It was also frightening, especially for a made for TV movie.

Ugh, clowns.
Anonymous said…
The Peanut Butter Solution

As a kid, it was the whole ghost/haunted house thing. When I got older and wiser, it became apparent that a man housing and holding young boy’s captive for their hair is far more scarier then any ghost/haunted house thing.
Anonymous said…
Dave el Al,

Ever since I saw the move listed below, I always make sure my cats have food and water...
Jay said…
I hate scary movies in the moment, but as soon as I press stop, I'm fine.

However, it was one particularly haunting episode of Highway to Heaven starring the magnanimous Michael Landon that chilled me most as a child. The guys are called to a lady's home where they find - eep! - a snake curled up in her toilet! To this day, if I forget to check the bowl before sitting, my imagination can quickly run away on me. I have had to cut short many a midnight pee for this very reason.
Omeaux said…
Event Horizon. Scariest movie ever.
kris said…
Those Freddy Kreuger (sp?) movies.

They still make the baby Jesus cry.

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