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Discuss Amongst Yourselves - Oct 10th

What's something you had the chance to buy that you decided against, but then later regretted this decision to your very soul?

Me? This past weekend, in a liquor store in Vermont, a bottle of Jagermeister I couldn't lift with one hand.



Omeaux said…
But then you got him for free anyway!
Jay said…
Lime green hush puppies.

They cost $300 and I knew I would never wear them. But still, they were cool, and original. I would have been proud just to have them in my closet.
Anonymous said…
I was in high school. I went up to Midland with my parents. I had no cash. No bank card. Nothing.

I didn't think I'd be buying anything.

I went into a used book store, and there, in a bin, were all the premiere foil edition #1 comics for the new marvel lineup. The guy was selling them for $5 each. Thewy were MINT condition.

My parents wouldn't loan me money, so I hid them in a dusty set of encyclopedias, as I knew we'd be back up in a week.

When I came back, turns out someone bought the encyclopedias. They were sitting there fo years according to the store owner.

The store owner also noted that someone had shoved all these comics in the encyclopedias, and then decided to look them up.

He figured out that he was selling them for far less, found a collector and made a tidy profit.

The original cost if I'd bought them originally: $50

The actualy price I could have sold them for? $5000

If I could have kicked myself in the crotch, I woudl have done so.
Anonymous said…
Jorge is still working on kicking himself in the's really quite entertaining.
Anonymous said…
Those black leather, lace-up, four-inch high-heeled, knee-high slut boots.

They made even my stubby little legs look long and sexy.
Beth said…
I had a pair of those black leather, lace-up, knee-high slut boots. They were the best. I actually just had to throw them out, 'cuz they were in the back of my cupboard and got all mouldy.

I should buy a new pair.
kris said…
Can't you buy alcohol in your motherland?

Katie, I invested in a man whore recently. Make sure you get the extended warranty.

I regret not purchasing a condo in Northern Virginia ten years ago. I'd be a rich SOB right now if I had just used those Stafford loans on property rather than the education . . .
Anonymous said…
DAVE! How dare you ruin a perfectly good nite-to-be! We could of got more.

(I'll bring my own this time!)
Anonymous said…
I just checked under my hood.

It says...

Manwhore 2000(tm)
Guaranteed to continue to provide top quality service until 2080 or 10000000km, whichever comes first.
Requires regular servicing...
Anonymous said…
That's because there are no qualified amnwhore serice technicians in Salt Lake city.
Anonymous said…
And by amnwhore, I meant manwhore.

Odd glitch. I should get that looked after.

Any service techs here?
kris said…
See Katie? Jorge is a new model and he's breaking down already.
Dave said…
Further insight on this discussion thread can be found at
Dave said…
Holy crap! I just put that in as a joke.

P.S. Not so much with the insight
Anonymous said…

Dave, you are a genius.

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