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Things that cracked me up today

Coming soon: why turning thirty is worse then getting the clap. For now, here are a few things that made my day a very good one.

1) A post from Plaintive Wail.
2) A peculiar Bono falling through space site. (Only for those of you with Firefox. Well, I can't make it work in Explorer, anyways.)
3) McSweeney's goodness.
4) Poor Michael Bay.


Rebecca said…
Y'know, I think I'm starting to get the Stee thing
kris said…
Thing that made me sad today:

1) I didn't know existed.

I bow down to your pop culture god-ness, Mr. Dave.
Dave said…
I've been pimping Fametracker for a while now. Glad to convert another soul.

Unrelated but also worth it..
Anonymous said…
Here you go posting when I'm away.
Now I have to play catch-up.

Unfortunately I can't seem to get that thing working in IE either.

The funny thing is that I've seen it before with a lay in a bikini, but now they have celebrity ones..

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