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Discuss amongst yourselves - July 11th

What's one regret from your past? And don't give me that happy-crappy I wouldn't change a thing business because there's something. You wouldn't have worn white jeans in the eighties, or you wouldn't have crapped on the floor when you were in grade one, et cetera. You've got something, so fess up.


Anonymous said…
I wouldn't have agreed to that AWFUL, China Phillips-esque mushroom haircut in 1991. SUCH a bad idea!
kris said…
I would have chosen a different university. Without a doubt, my biggest regret.
Anonymous said…
Whe I created my Dave android, I SHOULD have given him all the parts of the male body. Sadly, I ran out of funding. Highlights of what I gave him:

1) A brain for blogging, leaning towards the humourous and crazy.
2) Fearlessness
3) Alcoholism


Honestly, I regret not doing more physical activity when I was a kid. All my companions in Karate are all naturally athletic. I have to work much harder at it.
kris said…
By the way, happy crappy, it would be nice to see your answer, to see what makes you tick.

Sara, Jorge and I are just standing here emotionally naked while you hide behind the cloak of distance . . .

(insert happy crappy crescendo-ing music here)
Anonymous said…
Since you have pictures me naked, Kris (emotionally naked counts), then I will link to your blog.

Such intimacy should be kept to ourselves though, and our emotional nakedness. ;)
Anonymous said…
JR* and the secret of life:

It was grade three, and JR, scrawny kid with a (let's say piano tuner) father and an older brother everyone thought was growing up to be gay, liked me. No one liked him like THAT, particularly, including me. Then JV, one of those over-tall, clueless but very friendly and popular girls started dating him. (Again, we were eight.) So I'm walking home to my babysitter's one day and J says, invested with his new authority: "Shelley, I really liked you but the thing is...." and then my best friend (this, I can confidently assert, was the former Miss Nancy Snow) ran up and he never finished.

That pause haunts me. I am single as I write this and blame the pause.

I also wish I had taken the liquid acid in the manky fluoride spit cup at the Grateful Dead concert in 1994.

Wow, how much of a townie am I?

*since many of you still live in the same area/may still know these people, initials will have to suffice. If the brother didn't grow up to be gay: I meant somebody else.
Anonymous said…
You know everytime that we always say that "just a couple more drinks won't make a difference?"

Trust me, it does.

Too many lampshades to dance with. That's my regret! :P
Dave said…
Here's just a few:

Worn - White jeans, products from the Mr. Marv collection.

Said - "Christie, meet me at Mac's." "If I'd have known it would be like this, I would have asked you out ages ago!" "Would I like a job moving soiled matresses out of your hotel? Absolutely!"

Done - Trying to learn all of grade twelve math in one weekend, that year where I didn't work or go to school but caught up on Perfect Strangers and Major Dad.
Anonymous said…
What about ab-staring instead of ab-doing?

Here's another one for me - Picking Physics.
kris said…
Oh come on. Physics is Phun.

Mama can't resist.

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