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I’ve got no new content for you; I’ll give you that up front. Don’t get all up in my grill about it because neither do you. Trust me, I’ve checked. Everyone is in vacation mode these days and no one is posting, which means I’m actually stuck doing work while I’m at work—sort or unprecedented.

In lieu of new stuff, I give you a series of links that I’ve enjoyed the hell out of lately.

Kevin Smith’s Blog – Dude gives an unfiltered glimpse into his day-to-day life, focusing more on the minutia (where he ate, how he had sex with his wife—and I do mean how) than on the bigger events (movies in development, brushes with glitterati).

Go Fug Yourself – If you like to see more fashion missteps then there are stairs in the world, check this out. I’m not into fashion but I am into snark, and here I can glut myself with all the snark my belly can take.

MetaSpy – Allows you to spy on what people have been searching the web for. In case you haven’t guessed it, people surf for some stupid shit—or nonsensical shit, which can be just as entertaining (also, people can’t spell). Choice selections from the last five minutes:

church camps in saskatchewan
love cannal
buy gwen stefani clothing
used condoms
meaning of ahora me puedo ir a mi casa
peoples weird faces
what size sheets do futons take?
diaphragm spasm excess skin

The Onion A.V. Club – In particular, the A.V. Club has a new feature called “Commentary Tracks of the Damned,” where director’s commentaries from awful movies are skewered.

101 in 1001 – Just a reminder that I do update my progress on this one fairly frequently. A permanent link can be found over there on the right.

Maybe we’ll talk in the Fall,


Anonymous said…
1) You're a filthy liar. I posted stuff earlier this week, and Jorge has been "Hai-kuul" happy.

2) I hate you. I was watching MetaSpy for a good 20 minutes, mesmerized by it. And may have to keep going back to it in spite of myself. Some of the more amusing searches I saw:

bingo writing
desperate hold bladder
tickling clips
gay thumbs
how to suction time autococker
doo rags
love words for lovers
ways to kick a cold
blow me sandwich
punk polka
recipes for cats with kidney failure
drum bag
''"design and analysis of heterojunction bipolar transferred electron devices"'' takahashi

... and perhaps my favourite of those 20-odd minutes:

homemade bubble stuff
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't call him filthy, as he can usually be found soaking in da tub.

However, I have been "Hai-Kuul" happy, as you call it. Part of the reason for that is because people can actually post comments on my site rather than just reading my rants and sniggering silently to themselves.


Get on that, will you?

As for D's list..

Way to waste time, you jackass.
Why "jackass"?
Beacuse you've now wasted all of my free time.

Dave said…
"Gay thumbs" and "blow me sandwich" are funnier than my last ten entries. Dirty upstager.

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