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When you throw up and your mom’s not there

I think I was nine or ten years old at the time. A friend of mine offered to take me to a wrestling match at Maple Leaf Gardens. This wasn’t lame local wrestling, this was the bigs: the WWF. And it was back during what I like to think of as the Golden Age of wrestling—with the Iron Sheik, Jimmy ‘Superfly’ Snuka, Kamala, Big John Studd, and all the rest.

Before Frankie and his family came to get me, my parents gave me a quick lecture on manners, and then handed me a ten dollar bill. Then I was off, packed in the car with Frankie, his parents, his uncle, and his cousin.

Can’t say I recall much about the drive up, or who was on the card that night, but here are the things that I do remember:

-- Instead of urinals in the bathrooms, the Gardens had long, metal troughs. I tried to pee once, standing arm to arm with a very short dude with a very tall afro. I’d never really seen a urine trough before, or for that matter, a black guy (I grew up in Georgetown which, to this day, is 99.9% white), so I was crippled by stage fright. I think I actually stood there for about five minutes before admitting defeat.

-- I used the ten dollars to buy a giant bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos and two large, flat Cokes.

Beyond this, the next thing I remember clearly is the ride home. I was hyper from the fight, chock-full of food, and as a kid in general I was prone to car-sickness. So of course, I barfed—all over the cousin’s knees. Everyone screamed, Frankie’s mom yanked the car over to the shoulder of the 401, and then there was dead silence. We all piled out of car and the cleaning began. What I couldn’t understand at the time was why everyone was so mad. I was used to puking around family, where the absolute first concern is always “are you okay, sweetie?” But my mom wasn’t there; outside of Frankie, these were practically strangers. And I didn’t handle the matter very well. I should have said something to the effect of, “Pardon me, everyone. If we could pull over to the safety of the shoulder, I would greatly appreciate it, as I’m afraid I might be ill.” What I actually said was, “HRAAAAAAGGGGGGGHAAAGHHHFFFFF!”

After they hosed me, the cousin, and the car down, they moved me from the back to the passenger’s seat, next to an open window. I don’t remember there being much conversation between that and when they dropped me off. I do know that I wasn’t invited to wrestling again.

Weeks later at my house, my brother’s friend Gaffey was over. He told us the story of a friend of his who’d gone to see wrestling, and we quickly figured out it was the same match I’d been to. “Oh,” Gaffey said. “And he told me that there was this kid with him who ate like a pig and didn’t really watch the match, and then puked all over him on the drive home. I mean just all over him.”

I raised my hand. “Yeah, that was me.”


Anonymous said…
I'll see your throwing up as a kid and raise you getting blasted on beer and J&B a few years back and sitting on a bench in a local park my drinking friends and I opted to hit after the bar. Half-out of it, I sat there and kinda urped and burbled occasional puke (most of it off me, some on), which was happily enough to stave off the police who showed up to check out what was happening.
Anonymous said…
I'll see your park burbling and raise you a drinking a Mike's Hard or Smirnoff Ice once every 8-10 minutes for 3-4 hours, doing shots, smoking cigars and drinking scotch, threatening the Manager of the establishment with bodily harm, and then missing the toilet for part of the barf, while a guy in the next stall is giving his friend a play-by-play of the puking jackass in the adjacent stall, and then falling asleep on the couch at 11 or 11:30 and getting kicked out of the bar!
Anonymous said…

No saving yourself and your friends from hassle by police by throwing up?

I win.
Anonymous said…
Dude, come on.

I drank my bodyweight in liquids. And yet I was NOT HUNG OVER THE NEXT DAY.

I believe I have tipped the scales in my favour.

Touched you last, you bastard.
Dave said…

Had the contest been 'Who can tell the fakest drinking story,' first place would certainly be yours.
Jay said…
I still think Dave's story was the best. Anyone can throw up on liquor, it takes a real winner to just eat himself to sickness...and I happen to know that no puke beats Doritos puke. Man, the taste of that stuff coming back up, seeping into your nose holes...
Anonymous said…
That story was not fake. You were there, and you were wearing a giant yellow cowboy hat and a jet pack!


Jay, how about throwing up because of reading a description of throwing up?

That reminds me of Chunk's story from the movie Goonies.
Anonymous said…
Hmmm....eating oneself to puking?
You'd think that would have happened to me by now.
Anonymous said…
You, my friend, are not human.
How many times do we have to tell you that?

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