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Special Guest entry…Sarah speaks!

Oscar, Oscar – who will win?

I thought I’d hijack Dave’s blog in order to have an official record of my own Oscar picks. Sadly, this has the potential to bite me on the ass, giving Dave gloating rights for the next year. I’ll risk it.

I am going to divide my picks up (absolutes are NOT my strong suit) into “What I think will happen” and “What I would like to happen”.

What I think will happen

Actor: Jamie Foxx. As much as I despised the second half of Ray, he was mesmerizing.

Supporting Actor: Morgan Freeman. The man has never won, and was magnificent in Million Dollar Baby.

Actress: Annette Benning. The voters may want to reverse the “every best actress since 1995 has been under 40” trend.

Supporting Actress: Natalie Portman. This category is such a free for all, and she’s a pink-haired stripper (ostensibly with a heart of gold).

Director: Clint Eastwood. He’s older than Marty, and he was overlooked last year for Mystic River. Plus, academy members love rewarding actors-turned-directors. I have to admit…I am not entirely convinced that Marty won’t take it – for his body of work. He’s well overdue.

Adapted Screenplay: Million Dollar Baby

Original Screenplay: The Aviator

Animated Picture: The Incredibles

Picture: Million Dollar Baby. Yeah, I said it. Once again, I am not entirely convinced that The Aviator won’t take it, but I’m going with my gut.

What I would LIKE to happen

Actor: Much like last year, I would be happy if ANY of these guys won. They’re all very talented, and their respective bodies of work show their range and mastery of the craft. Plus…Johnny Depp is a fox. With one x.

Supporting Actor: Morgan Freeman. I would be happy with Clive Owen, though. My love for articulate British men has created a soft spot for Clive (every since Croupier).

Actress: Kate Winslet, although I would be happy with Annette or Hilary Swank. I admire all three.

Supporting Actress: Meh. I like both Cate Blanchett and Laura Linney a lot. I would be happy with either of them winning. Anyone but Virginia Madsen! God, I was not a fan of Sideways.

Director: Anyone but Taylor Hackford for Ray…GOD, the end of that movie pissed me off. I would be very happy with Marty, Clint, Alexander Payne (that movie was well directed, despite the reprehensible characters) or Mike Leigh.

Adapted Screenplay: Million Dollar Baby

Original Screenplay: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. That movie is awesome. It would be wonderful to reward Hotel Rwanda…anything to raise awareness of the plight of those going through an eerily similar situation in Darfur would be amazing.

Animated Picture: The Incredibles

Picture: Million Dollar Baby. I would be happy with The Aviator.

So…there you go. Perhaps I’ll be back on Monday to eat some crow.


Anonymous said…
Dave said…
Every year I get the crap kicked out of me by Sarah in the Oscar pool. I vote with my heart, she votes with her head. Damn her and her reason!
Anonymous said…


This is because they have larger breasts, which contain extra brain power.

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