I love my kids. I’ve been staring at this screen for the past ten minutes wondering where to start, and that’s my best attempt so far. There are two reasons I don’t write here much these days. The first reason is that I’m incredibly, incurably lazy. More important is the second reason: the more time goes on, the more I feel compelled to write honestly . Which is not to say I was dishonest before, just that it’s been easier to fall back on hyperbole, jokes, and cliché. It’s why my posts about Sarah are so hard to write. I don’t just want to say, “She is the best, greatest, most wonderful woman in the history of time!” whether I believe it or not. I want to find honest and original words to explain precisely why I think she’s amazing. She really is the greatest, the facts are there. It just takes patience to find the right words. My kids are really good friends right now. I like to think that’ll alw...