Sarah has such an excellent laugh. It's the same way people laugh in comic books: "Ha ha ha! Hee hee hee! Ho ho ho!" To see it written down, yeah, it looks ridiculous, but it's a warm, natural thing to hear - and it's one of my favourite sounds in the world. We've been with one another for about a hundred years now. She's heard all of my stories. She's heard all of my jokes. At this point I'm just putting different spins on the same tired material. She'll give a polite laugh when it's something she's heard a dozen times, but on those rarer instances when I surprise her with something original and she really laughs, oh man. I love it so much. No one else's laugh sounds like that: not her parents, and not our kids. Our kids have inherited my laugh, I think. It's guttural, with more consonants than vowels: "Huhn, huhn, huhn." Don't get me wrong. They're sweet and I love them to bits, but they lau...