Stopped by Kingston to visit Sarah’s Nonna. We also happened upon her super-cute, waaaaaaaaay ants-in-his-pantsy, cornsilk-blonde, mildly-afroed cousin Jacob. Cute, I tells ya! Spent some time with Aunt Flo, where we sang some Sound of Music , inadvertently broke a small angel figurine (but repaired/mummified it with bandage tape), and then watched Flo go all evil after drinking some chocolate milk. We were getting along fine and then all of the sudden there was no Dana, only Zuul. Updated: Visited Sarah's Grandma and Grandpa in the hometown of Avril Lavigne. For the first time in all the times we've visited Grandpa Jack did not ask me if I followed the CFL, or if I ever drank at the Legion. Spent literally fifteen hours in Georgetown, hung out with my parents, ate approximate 700 cheezies, laughed, drank, were merry. Visited Dr. Beth, (and Nancy, Jeff, and Madeline), during which time no one hung out with just their body on . Went to Il Fornello for an okay brunch, tried to ...