Once again this year, Isha and I ran the Nordion 10K. I’d like to say we were as ill-prepared as we could be, but that might be over-stating it just a little. We’d trained somewhat, running intermittently over the past two months, but we got lazier the closer we came to the race time. Another big mistake was that neither of us had run a distance even approaching ten kilometers at any time over the past year. So we’re hurting pretty bad today. I iced my knees about eighty times, and Isha said that she felt like a sack of hammers this morning. But for all the not running, we only came in one minutes later than last year . And we were way more prepared last year. So, kids: training is for suckers. The highlight this year came around the six kilometer marker. There was a guy in a gorilla suit holding a framed canvas with an old shoe glued to it. All of the runners going by were encouraged to touch the shoe. For luck? Speed? Endurance? Dunno. I do know that we booted over fro...